Worth your time?

All in all, at ~$30.00 USD, the Phoenix Project is worth your time if you’re a DevOps professional or work in IT in general.


The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford is a fictional DevOps book about helping your business win.

The Phoenix Project is an educational story book. Traditional technical books tend to be dry and to-the-point, unlike this one. I would recommend this book to anyone working in IT interested in DevOps or IT processes.

The first-person story follows Bill Palmer, who is persuaded to take an unwanted promotion as VP of IT Operations at Parts Unlimited. Bill has 6 months to whip IT into shape before Parts Unlimited goes out of business.

During his journey, Bill and the reader learn about foundational IT processes that help businesses win. For example, we learn that like manufacturing, improving the slowest “machine” in the assembly line is the only improvement that will increase “throughput” to customers.